Build Tight, Ventilate Right
Low cost whole house ventilation that meets building regulations, saves energy and prevents condensation.
Low cost whole house ventilation that meets building regulations, saves energy and prevents condensation.
The Drimaster is an air cleaning/moving device that continuously inputs filtered fresh air into the dwelling via your roofspace. The unit will cure and/or prevent the problems associated with damp and condensation in your home. The unit provides a cleaner, healthier living environment for all occupants.
Does your home suffer from condensation, mould, dampness, musty smells, streaming windows, damaged decorations or poor indoor air quality? The soloution is Drimaster Clean Air Ventilation Unit!
Under BBA regualtions you must have some sort of ventilation system in your home. The Drimaster System covers all British Board of Agrement regulations and removes the need for unsightly trickle vents on your windows. We are CIS registered!
Most asthmatics are affected by airbourne allergens associated with the house dust mite. A Drimaster unit will be installed to provide gentle background ventilation, this unit can be enhnaced directly into the asthmatics bedroom.
Radon is a naturally occuring gas which is produced by the radioactive decay of uranium underground. It is the second largest cause of lung cancer and causes up to 60 deaths per year in Northern Ireland. A Drimaster unit can reduce the Radon level by up to 90%!
From October 2016 we have a range of new and improved Drimaster units available.
*Unit comes with 5 year warranty, which is extended to 7 years if filters are replaced after 5 years.
**Running costs when heater is running is 4p/hr.
***Additional sensors cost £50.
Contact Glenn
078 2808 6900
We would love to hear from you! Request a free, no obligation survey to help us determine the best option for you! Additionally if you require a filter change, repair or a general enquiry use the form below to get in touch!
Our installation services are available in Antrim, Down & Armagh. Supply only is available across Northern Ireland.